Thursday, April 28, 2005


Today is April the 28th. It is my grandmothers' birthday. Grandma is 93 today. She told me not too long ago to write a little everyday. So, I have chosen her birthday to log the first entry to this site (or should I say blogspot?). Now, I don't know about everyday, Grandma--not right off the bat anyway, but maybe every other day or a near-daily average--we'll see. I look at this as a prelude or precursor to the website I have been threatening to launch for some time. Thankfully, writing is a good avenue of expression and communication--especially for those who might not be the best conversationalists or speakers around. Let's face it, sometimes you can just 'voice' in writing those things that can't easily be expressed and impressed face to face.
A 'net corner' like this will be a good sounding board. (It will be discipline enough for me to keep it short and sweet). However, fair warning, enter at your own risk...the subject matter may at times be somewhat challenging, straightforward, exploratory, personal, hopefully enlightening and edifying, and even may follow you to bed at night (when you are most on your own). Of course, on the 'net', you can always escape the kitchen if it gets too hot with the click of a button (or reply with a comment). And with regard to subject matter, feel free to submit candidate topics of interest for discussion and research ( you know, sort of like Limbaughs' 'open line Friday').
Well, I will endeavor to write as intimately as to one with the hope that it will be read generally by millions.
Oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA !....Thanks for all 93 years and an invaluable spiritual heritage.