Sunday, May 29, 2005

Modern Diet

There is a saying---"you are what you eat." Most of us probably don't want to hear that. There is another saying that goes something like---"trash in, trash out"---like the computer.

In modern day America, much attention and interest is paid to the daily diet. Millions of Americans, each year, spend millions more (probably billions) on diet books, diet plans, diet videos, and dieticians to find that special key to healthy living. It is part and parcel of the modern American sub-culture established so to change one's image. However, there is another type of diet of which to be concerned. One that doesn't garner quite the same attention timewise or dollarwise.

Last weekend, Star Wars:Episode III, is reported to have broken the all time box office record for opening day attendance.(By the way, the movie is fiction). It was also reported, just last week, on a leading morning news show that the 'celeb weekly' magazine is this nation's fastest growing type of publication. I think we all know that there are those that can make literally millions of dollars a year for throwing a ball, tossing one through a hoop or knocking one in a hole. Let's not forget that the popular music industry has become one of the biggest purveyors of bad diet in our history and is a billion dollar industry while doing it. It is amazing to me just how many movies incorporate murder as their plot or subplot--I'm talking about human bloodshed--not to mention the violence and graphic sexuality. It is amazing to me how captivated people can become with the lives of the 'stars' and discuss the so-called reported facts about them like they're talking about their next door neighbor (don't tell me inquiring minds want to know). It is amazing to me how easily acceptable it is to many to think that a man is qualified to run for public office just because he made a name for himself by his ball handling one way or the other.
Now, please don't misinterpret me. I like a good movie--at the cinema or at home. I like a good ballgame at the stadium, on the course, or at home. I actually believe a couple of former players graduated from their 'sporting' days to become reputable statesmen. And yes, I am curious (to some degree anyway) as to how the Michael Jackson trial will turn out. However, I do believe there is a healthy balance to be maintained. Somewhere, in all this, you can easily cross the line to an unhealthy, unbalanced diet if you're not careful. As with all diets, the bad stuff is so easily attained and in such abundance---just like fast food on every corner.

You may or may not have noticed I didn't mention television---tv..........yet. Well, let me mention it then. The University of Michigan Health Systems reports the following:

* In a typical American home, the tv set is on for over 7 hours a day.

*The average child spends more time watching tv than in school.

*On average, kids spend about 20 or more hours each week watching tv, which
is more time than is spent in any other activity besides sleeping.

*An average person will have watched 7 -10 years of tv by age 70.

*People (including children) see 1000-2000 tv ads for alcohol each year.

*The average person (including children) will see about 10,000 rapes, assaults and
murders in one year on television.

*Fears caused by tv can cause sleep problems

Let's face it, prime time tv is rife with much subject matter that vaunts itself against the knowledge, order and authority of God---and a balanced diet.

In 1958, a young minister from the hill country of Pennsylvania who used to watch the late movie every night made the decision to sell his tv. The time he once spent watching the late show was now used in prayer and meditation with the Lord in his study. To make a long story short, one night he spots a Life magazine in his office and his attention is drawn to several young gangmembers on trial for a brutal murder. The Spirit of the Lord led him to New York City where these boys lived and exposed this young minister to the empty, violent, futile, drug-infested street life of many such young boys and girls. Out of his visits to this city and by specific direction of the Holy Spirit was birthed a new ministry to these street people---the helpless drug-addict. This ministry was named Teen Challenge and the young minister was David Wilkerson, now in his 70s and director of World Challenge. Teen Challenge went on to become the most successful drug rehabilitation program in our nation and is now worldwide.

Now, I am not suggesting selling your television(s). Why, that would be radical! However, if there are those out there that hear a different voice or feel a special wind blowing, try starting a new diet by turning your radio and tv off---but keep watching and listening. Somebody has something to say. Here's to your health.

Can a man take fire to his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?
Can one walk on hot coals, and his feet not be seared.--Proverbs 6.27-28

For more research reading on modern television, go to
Also, please send all comments to

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Rain Lamp

One morning I was half awake and half asleep when I saw an image of a rain lamp. (I have since then found out that is what this type of lamp is called). This type of lamp (usually hanging) has strings from top to bottom around its complete circumference. These strings look like thin strands of angel hair spaghetti. Each string has beads of oil silently coursing its way down its length while the lamp is lighted at the top and bottom giving the impression of a silent rainfall.
This lamp is like a fire----you know how you can sit and watch a fire in a fireplace and get lost in thought while losing all sense of time and cares. The vision of this rain lamp was so peaceful to watch--it seemed like the oil flowed down the lighted stringed paths without effort or strain----so fluid, so soft, so quiet and yet so in unison and accord because of the multitude of oil beads gently cascading down their multi-string-guided paths.
It wasn't so much the fact of the light, or the oil, or the strings that impressed me so much individually, or even collectively, in its artistic and aesthetic appeal---though they were on all accounts---but it was its overall affect of serenity, of peace, of movement without struggle or discord. It was restful to watch. It was like watching rest in motion and at the same time it was so simple in its presentation---just beads of oil falling down strings in a light fixture.

I beleive God wants that kind of peace and rest in all of our lives. I believe God wants the oil of the Holy Spirit to flow simply, freely, and unrestricted in our lives without discord, confusion, or disillusionent. 'There remains therefore a rest for the people of God."(Hebrews 4.9)
Finally, it should be noted that the oil in this particular type of lamp, the rain lamp, does not flow until the light is turned on. And why should it? You couldn't see the flow of oil anyway without the light and, after all, isn't that what a lamp is for---to give light?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Way Things Work Best

All God is trying to do is get a message well as make a connection.......with us!

I have noticed in my experiences that a sure way to turn some people off during a conversation is to mention certain buzzwords. Words like God, Jesus, Bible, Christian, and , sometimes, even church. There certainly are misconceptions regarding God in this day and age. The misconceptions seem to be largely concerning His nature and His manner in dealing with and intent towards mankind---us---His creation.
I have seen it written in construction contracts that the contractor would be granted more time to complete his work if he was delayed by windstorms, hailstorms, flooding, earthquake, lightning strikes and other acts of God! That's not all He gets the blame for either. Haven't you ever heard, after someone prematurely dies in a car accident, train wreck, airplane crash, or drowning, someone say, "Well, it must have been his time to go and God took him".......or, how about this---Four kids die in a house fire and someone says, "Well, God loved them so much, He wanted them up there with Him."? Please!! I could go on, but, you know what I mean. I think God has gotten a bad rap!......and I think I know where a lot of that started.

I believe a lot of the negative stigma stems from a man who came down a mountain about 3000 years with 10 'Thou Shalt Nots'. (Moses only carried the 10 commandments like he was told- the second time). The Ten Commandments, generally, take on a connotation of strict rules and regulations that are to be rigidly adhered to and if transgressed will only result in the certain disfavor of God. Rules and regulations? In the same stream of thought or misunderstanding, God is considered to be an authoritative, impersonal, unapproachable 'Oz-like' figure seeking to impose His will on a lower order of life. (This view will not take you to the head of the class). Let's rethink this.

I have said for years that the 10 commandments are not strict rules and regulations enforced by some iron-fisted, legalistic taskmaster with severe penalties for lawbreakers. The commandments are, in fact, a letter from a compassionate Father to those He loves simply stating the way things work best. What things? Your life....= our world. As expressed in The Maker's Diet, the commandments are "moral guidelines" that preserve "spiritual purity, social order, family stability, and community prosperity." Each commandment exhorts a principle revealed by God on 'how to get along' in this life and each commandment is actually bigger and deeper than it's face value. For example, "Honor thy Father and Mother" not only serves to establish family stability but teaches respect for authority--a community essential for success. Another example, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" teaches us that rest from our labor is essential to spiritual, mental and physical health and to dedicate a time for being with God and pursuing Him----it's not just saying to go to church on Sunday. One more example, "You shall have no other Gods before Me" is not just referring to Buddha, Confucious, or Mohammed. Other gods in our lives can easily be wealth and material possessions, reputation, careers, entertainment,etc.,etc. Each commandment is a precept in itself that along with the others, if adopted and followed, will make our world the place it was created to be. Each commandment is like a gear that, when working with all the other gears (commandments), will engage each other to drive or put in motion the wheels that will carry one through life with purpose and reward .

Now, I am not proposing as some, that the commandments are mere suggestions either. They do have negative consequences if ignored and dishonored. Most people know that these same commandments are under attack in our very own country----our very own backyard so to speak. Even though our nation's capital city is full of engravings in wood, etchings in stone and graphic references to scriptures and the commandments, the ACLU still wages a hostile assault by eliciting "their supporters to hunt down every display of the Ten Commandments for the purpose of eradicating them by judicial action"(The Ten Offenses-Pat Robertson). (If the ACLU attacks it, you know they gotta be good!). Can you believe there are those that are attempting to destroy the very foundation on which and for which this country was founded? I am reminded of Proverbs 22.28 which says, "Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set". And not just our country. These same commandments have trans-religious influence and fundamental signficance among three of the largest and most notable church organizations in the world----the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish faiths.

It is God that started this whole thing of life and creation. He ought to know what is good for it and how things work best. It only seems right to play by His rules-----oops, did I say rules?!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

seeing eyeS, hearing earS

It's not backwards. I meant to do that. I meant to capitalize the Ss in the title. I know, usually, initial letters are capitalized. Not in this 'case'. The final letter in the two words are capitalized to emphasize and draw attention to their plurality---more than one!

God gave us two eyes and two ears. We seem to work better that way. We seem to have better visual acuity, peripheral range, depth perception, auditory definition and acoustical acumen with the concerted use of a eye working with the other and one ear working with its mate. Each member of a pair complements or better completes the function and service of the other (after all, God even made a pair of human beings in this manner). We are replete in our physical makeup in this fashion---i.e., arms, legs, lungs, etc. To put it in a nutshell, in this way, we have a better sense of balance. Of course, this speaks of the laws of physics and the natural man, but, how about our spiritual eyes and ears?

Many years ago, I was sitting at home on a Saturday afternoon eating a hamburger when I was impressed to take a drive downtown. I don't think I even finished my burger. I went downtown and came across a man preaching on the corner. I befriended this street preacher (I called him Z---short for Zowaskie) and ended up attending several Bible studies at his home. Z had a term for not giving God your full attention or for not completely committing your spiritual life to God. He called it "half-steppin".

Many people today want to know God and to have a blessed life (there is such a thing). Many people today want to have a purpose-driven life and be able to expect God's guidance. However, many of these same people are only using one spiritual eye and one spiritual ear (if any at all)---'half-steppin'. This usually ends up as paying impersonal homage to God or scratching a religious itch (conviction) or trying a spiritual formula---which usually ends up formalized and ritualistic. Moreover, they end up with a lack of Godly vision and direction. Let's face it, you can't know God just by reading a book, going to church or saying a prayer once in awhile ...or even as a programmed agenda.

One of my favorite quotes came from a minister I've known for years and respect a lot. I remember him saying, "God does not reveal himself to the casual inquirer"! Conversely, if two people ate lunch together everyday, they would, without fail, get to know each other better---and better and better. So it is in the spiritual realm. Our full set of eyes and ears must be attuned, daily, to God to know Him better and what His will and ways are. This is why, in Isaiah 30.21, the prophet wrote "Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left." A key to good hearing and seeing, however, is revealed in a previous verse in that same chapter. Verse 15 says, "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength." Elijah did not hear the Lord in the strong wind, or the quaking earth, or the blazing fire. He did hear Him as a still small voice (I Kings 19.11-12). Anyone can hear a strong wind, anyone can see an earthquake, and anyone can hear and see fire. But, you must get quiet to hear the still small voice.

A rabbit is generally regarded as a victim of prey. He is , however, equipped with large eyes set laterally on his head. This gives the rabbit excellent peripheral vision for detecting and evading predators before it is too late. We, too, must have good peripheral vision as our enemy walks about as a roaring lion seeking those whom he may devour---those not paying attention and using their spiritual vision. Proverbs says that where there is no vision, the people perish.
This means that without spiritual guidance and insight, people are without direction and focus and will ultimately wander without purpose, naked to the influences of the world and wiles of the enemy, vulnerable to be blown about by every wind. Spiritual perception is important in this hour as depth perception is important to our natural vision. Depth perception or three dimensional sight is when each eye sends its own view to our brain. The two views are sent simultaneously and are combined to produce one image or one big picture. This three dimensional visual ability is called stereoscopic vision. The word stereoscopic comes from the Greek word stereos (from which we also get the word stereophonic). The word stereos means firm or solid. With stereoscopic vision, depth perception, we have a much better view of the world around us and can maneuver through life with greater ease and confidence (try threading a needle or pouring a glass of water with one eye closed). So it is in the spiritual realm. Spiritual perception allows us to discern the times we live in (see the big picture) as well as live a firm, solid, healthy, focused life. You can't do that on your own. But, with both spiritual eyes open and both spiritual ears listening (in stereo) in the right direction you can. Half-steppin will not do it, but, by reason of use our senses are exercised and developed for clear discernment (Hebrews 5.14) and good balance.
It is by reason of use that a musician has trained his ear to discern what is harmonic balance--or more commonly stated, that which is in tune--being neither sharp or flat.
The other night driving down the road, I decided to play a cd. Now, I don't have a built-in cd player in my car so I use a portable one played through the tape cassette via a power cord from the power outlet. Well, I turned it on and something just didn't sound right. It didn't sound full and balanced---harmonic. Something was missing. I discovered that the cord from the cd player to the tape cassette was only half in and , therefore, coming through only one speaker. After plugging it in completely, the sound was....of course....twice as good....full and resonant. (That's how I got the idea for this writing). This is how we must be in our spiritual lives----totally plugged in for the life described in Ephesians 3.16-20 to hear and see totally and receive fully from God.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Flat Stick

I watched, again, the old movie, The Grapes of Wrath, the other day. You never know what will stick with you or come back to memory....and it's funny how you can see something several times and seemingly see something you never saw before for the first time.
Well, as some of you may or may not know, this movie is set in the days of the great depression of the 1930s. I wasn't there but I've heard and read how bad it was as many people and businesses went bust and broke. Even whole families. The movie (based on John Steinbecks' book of the same name) depicts the life of the Joad family during this period of struggle and uncertainty. This family had to leave their home and land of many years and go west to California where they had heard of a chance at a new and better life picking fruit. So, they(about 10-12 in all covering three generations with one on the way) loaded up an old half-broken down truck with their meager essential belongings and each other and headed out of the dust-laden flats of Oklahoma. They were poor. Nothing but the clothes on their back and what was on the truck with an unknown road ahead and nothing behind. On the way they lost one generation-Grandpa and Grandma died. With little money in their pockets they continued west. At one point, trying to stretch their dollars and cents, they try to buy a piece of a loaf of bread for 10 cents but were sold the whole loaf for 10 cents (and then were sold two nickel-a-piece candies at two-for-a-penny --for the kids). They took a bath out in the open in the river. They bought gas, but didn't fill up, but put a whopping one gallon in the tank.
Well, as the story goes , they stopped over at a transient camp which was about as far opposite from prosperity and hope on the scale as you could get----full of people who wore simple clothes, lived in ragged tents and piecework lean-tos, and looked like they had a death sentence hanging over their heads. They must not have gotten their three square meals a day either because as Ma Joad was cooking stew over a fire in the kettle, about a dozen barefaced kids semi-circled her and watched longingly as she cooked. Well, Ma had as big a heart as she was round. After she doled out meager portions to her family she told those hungry little fellers to go and get a flat stick and they could have what was left. Well, the excited kids scattered and came back---because they were hungry. When I heard that the other day, I was quizzical. A flat stick? I mean, really, how much can you put on a flat stick?

A couple of days later, this scene came back to mind as I was driving down the road. No, you can't put much on a flat stick....but it is something....and something is better than nothing and it is a start. In this hour, for whatever reason, there are many people who have not nor do they think that they can get anything from God on their own. Now, I'm not talking about the getting of material things necessarily. I'm talking about a full, rich, vibrant relationship with God that leads to an abundant life---an effective, soul-satisfying relationship that matters today and everyday. There are many people today with differing misconceptions. Many think that they are not right with God or cannot get the blessings of God in their life because of past deeds and present imperfections in their life....or because they don't attend church enough or give enough money....or they think that they have to go through a priest or a pastor or some religious sanctification. Let's face it, many people just don't think they're good enough for God to listen to them! In fact, the opposite is true. The person who recognizes a need or lack or hunger in their life and is honest enough to admit it is in prime position for knowing God. All they have to do is be willing and to come. All you have to do is to come to God with what you have--even if it is only a flat stick!
The Spirit speaks expressly in this hour saying, "Ho!"(that means Yo, stop, listen). "Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk WITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT PRICE."(see Isaiah 55.1-2). Don't settle for a 10 cent piece of loaf relationship. God is willing to give the whole loaf of bread and then some. God is willing to 'sell' nickel candies two for a penny to those who are willing and will come. Every house or building must have a site or foundation before it can even be built. But, you must first go to the site and break ground. Hebrews 11.6 (one of my favorites) says "....he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." So, you must start.......and be diligent---that means consistent. have to want what?, purposeful life......abundant life.....the life of God.....eternal life. Eternal life, believe it or not, begins on this earth---now.
God rewards those that consistently come to Him. Before you know it, your flat stick will be a ladle, and then a bowl, and then a pool, and then a river of life.
Come to God as you are---even if all you have is a flat stick!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

WatchLine ?

I'm sure some are wondering why the name WatchLine. Well, this homemade compound word is not found in the the dictionary. And so, I guess it is only appropriate to continue this 'net corner' introduction with a brief explanation and then we'll be on with it.

It's fitting enough that my initials, WCH, are in the word WatCH. My son and I would sometimes play a game and make words out of the 3 letters we'd see on car license plates here in Charleston, South Carolina.(I know, we all have slow days). Obviously, the word watch can be derived thence from my initials. More on that word later.

The word 'line' has several meanings. A straight line can be the shortest distance between two points. Or, it can mean a border, perimeter or boundary. Another definition is a course of action or direction of something in motion. One dictionary defines it as a "persuasive way of talking"...I would say an influential manner of speech or 'line' of thought. A reporter or writer is known to 'lay down some lines'. I like it better and more relevant here as "a source of information" and "insight".

The word 'watch' also has several meanings. And exceptionally important is its' Biblical use. Your local dictionary defines watch as "to be attentive or vigilant" and "to keep guard, wait and be expectant". A better way of saying it may be "the act of keeping awake to guard, protect, or attend". Peter (the apostle) must have read his Webster because he certainly used this context more than once (see I Peter 4.7 and 5.8), as did Paul (Ephesians 6.18 and I Timothy 4.5), as did John (Revelation 3.2-3 and 16.15)--to name a few. Another relevant description for watch here is "a notice or bulletin that alerts those listening to the possibility of severe conditions occurring in the near future." (I got that one from the wordsmith duo of Merriam and Webster). The prophetic duo of Isaiah and Ezekiel (though not concurrently) used this context (see Isaiah 21.5-6, 11-12 and Ezekiel 3.17).

I actually thought of the word watch first partly because of my initials....but, of course, the meaning of the word----with its' timely pertinence. But watch by itself just didn't seem right. It had a lack of completion and singularity. Well, hmmm, what else.....there's watchman (no, too subjective).....watchsign (no, too apocalyptic)......watch___?.....watch___?.....WatchLine! It actually came quicker than it took me to write it just now or you to read it. So, why WatchLine? Well, put two and two together---or one and one. Watch + Line. It is merely a means of expressing that which is seen and is worthy of note for 'food for thought' but hopefully, more importantly, as Paul said, for edification and exhortation and comfort.

I like the background for this site too. It may be a lighthouse but it reminds me of a lookout post or watchtower.